GEDIK WELDING was established in Turkey in 1963 and is now a global industry leader in the field of welding consumables and equipments. Under its internationally – registered trademarks GeKa, GeKaTec, GeKaMac and GeKaRobot; the company manufactures about 90.000 ton / year of superior quality coated stick electrodes, gas-shielded arc welding wires, submerged arc welding wires, submerged arc welding fluxes and flux cored welding wires as well as brazing rods, special repair and maintenance products. The company also produces its own GeKaMac branded rectifiers, gas-shilded arc and submerged arc welding generators. Keeping abreast of the largest technological developments in the domain, GEDIK WELDING also generates robotic solutions and welding automation equipment (GeKaRobot®) for various industries, both in Turkey and overseas.